

Shaun Caton, Performance Installation Artist, wie er sich selber nennt, betreibt „Art Autopsy - Radical Process in Art“. Seit 1981 hat er sich vor allem in seiner Heimat England einen Namen als radikaler Performer gemacht. Seine an die Tradition der Wiener Aktionisten anknüpfenden Performances vermitteln auf allen Ebenen (Musik, Gefühl, Geruch, Aktion, Symbolik) das, was er ausdrücken will. Seine erste Performance in Berlin ‘Across the Heart’, so ihr Titel, präsentiert die tote Welt, eine Reise von Geburt über das Aufwachsen bis zum Tod in einer zerstörten Welt, zerstört durch die atomare Katastrophe, Mutanten, Dreck, Blut, Krankheit und Agonie. Die extremen Momente der Performance enthalten gestörte Träume eines mental Kranken, nachvollziehbar durch die Symbolik des Künstlers. Die Musik von Michael Sefton unterstreicht und vervielfacht die Wirkung der Performance.
In: Zitty. Berlin, 1987, 26


Shaun Caton is a renowned British performance artist, painter, and collagist, who has created over 500 performances worldwide since the early 1980s. Once characterised by extreme duration (some performances have lasted 3 weeks) his work has slowly evolved over a 35 year period into a more homogenous, participatory spectacle. In June 2019 he presented 'il Giardino Grottesco' at the 58th Venice Biennale, in the Palazzo Pesaro Papafava. He often collaborates with people who have no direct experience of contemporary art, sometimes working with groups of school children, and randomly selected audience spectators or passers by, drawing them into a multi-layered, immersive, situation. Alongside his performances, Caton creates many highly original paintings and collages, that reflect the curious themes and images in his performances. He is influenced by non-western and outsider art, ancient and prehistoric cultures, urban archaeology, and psychogeography. Much of his work incorporates miniature objects and articles found on beaches and rivers. His paintings and drawings are often used as backdrops to his performances and some have measured up to 10m long, illuminated by ultra violet lighting (Espace Multi-Media Gantner, Bourogne, France 2014).